Tu B’Shevat is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 15th day of the Jewish month of Shevat. It is also called the New Year of Trees. On this day people gather to plant fruit trees. Traditionally, pomegranates, figs, grapes and other fruit trees are planted. They also sing songs, have fun and eat up to 30 fruits from various fruit trees.

Collection Coloring Pages of Tu Bishvat – 30 Images

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tu Bishvat Coloring Page

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tu B’Shvat coloring page

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Holy day in the Jewish faith.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Holiday inscription and Star of David.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Children join hands around a tree

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Fruits on Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tu Bishvat coloring page

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tu Bishvat coloring book.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tu Bishvat coloring book.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Pomegranate is a traditional holiday fruit

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Figs for Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Fruits for the holiday.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Beautiful and important inscription inside the flowers.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Holy day in the Jewish faith

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Sacred tree

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Inscription for the Jewish holiday inside the plants.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Picture for coloring of Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Children plant a tree

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tradition for Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

The tree was planted on Tu Bishvat.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Coloring book for Tu Bishvat holiday

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Seven varieties of fruits.

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Tree planted on Tu Bishvat

Tu Bishvat Coloring Pages

Planting a tree for the holiday.